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Saturday 30 May 2015

Further on round the bend

Monday 1 June 2015 is the fifth anniversary of the Allrighters starting to write. Our thanks to all those who have helped make the last five years an interesting and enjoyable time of writing, reading, web activity and limited publishing.

Our apologies for not posting a regular update on this blog since February. Our main web activity has been concentrated on a monthly web post on the TIPM web site under the "Writing and Reading for Pleasure" heading. Click for TIPM 

Our TIPM June post annouces a change in direction in a new push to complete our million draft words and publish as e books on Amazon. On reflection, we have been in the doldrums since completion of our million words in January 2014. Some rest and reflection has been no bad thing given the relentless daily writing between June 2010 and January 2014.

Reading activity has continued over a wide range of fiction and non fiction books.

We met up with Tony Riches in Wales two weeks ago and provided a content structure for a video he has constructed for Calvin Hedley’s book Turning-Point.

Good reading and writing to you all

Douglas and Alexander