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Tuesday 10 November 2015

November 2015 Reflections

Hello Everyone,

As the dark nights draw in we thought it about time to produce another post to confirm that our writing and reading for pleasure is still carrying on five and a half years after we started in June 2010. 

After completing our target of million draft words in January 2014 writing drifted into the marsh of self-editing and restructuring until June 2015 when a new start was made on finalising GEMINI. Changing tenses and using Auto Crit to improve the text allowed completion of a revised First Gemini Story-book which we are much happier about than previous drafts of the Gemini story.

Work started this month on the Second Gemini Story-book.

A recent distraction from this task came in the form of composing a 5000 word entry for the Bridport Prize in May 2016. The idea for this coming from a read of the anthology of the entries to the 2014 Bridport prize. We thought we could do no worse and probably better than the entries in 2014. Our previous competition entries produced mixed success largely we think because the thinking of the judges is not in tune with ours. We are making an attempt to narrow the gap and the entry will be an introduction to the strange fantasy life of Henry Cross, this time with his grand daughter Daisy. Writing the story to date is continuing to prove a delight.

Since June 2014 we have contributed posts to The Independent Publishing Magazine each month up to October under the heading Writing and Reading for Pleasure. Following changes at TIPM, perhaps a change of direction is necessary although we understand our contributions are still welcome. 

We are well on target this year to have read and reviewed over 100 books including two special readings of near final drafts of fellow self publishing authors.

Good reading and writing to you all.

Douglas and Alexander

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